Friday, October 1, 2010


Nathan is very in tune with what he's wearing lately. He likes to pick out his clothes and make sure they match. This morning he came to me, after getting dressed, and asked, "Mommy, do I look cool in this?"  I told him that yes, he does look cool, but wanted him to understand that looking or being cool doesn't depend on what he is wearing at the moment. I told him, "You know what Nathan? You would be cool even if you had your pajamas on. Even if you wore a dirty shirt, you would still be cool, because do you know what makes you cool? Just being Nathan makes you cool!" He smiled and said, "Even if I was naked I'd be cool?" (Where does he come up with this stuff?)  "Well, yes, because you would still be Nathan, but that is not something you can wear out of this house!" He laughed and thought that was so funny. But I really want him to understand that cool isn't something you put on.  It's just being who God made you to be!

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