Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sunday Morning

Nathan really hurt his lip. I mean, really hurt it. He was playing on the floor pushing a race car. Somehow the plastic bugs were involved in this particular race. Unfortunately, Mr. Grasshopper got caught under the car that he was pushing and made his arm stop. Well, when Nathan pushes a car, it's serious business. He had so much momentum going that when his arm stopped, his whole body continued forward until his lip met the ground. I saw the whole thing happen, but it's one of those things where you don't comprehend what's happening until it's done and there's blood on the floor and fat lip. I felt so bad for him. He hurt his two front teeth, cut the gums, and talked with a big fat lip for 2 days. Anyway, Sunday morning, Daddy was going to be talking in church to the people about London. Daddy asked Nathan if he wanted him to pray for his lip before church started. He said yes. Then Daddy asked Nathan if he could pray for Daddy while he talked to the people. He said yes he would. He also said he would ask his teacher to pray for him. Then he came to me and asked me, "Mommy, do you want me to pray for you today in class?" It was so sweet! I see things that he does and hear things that he says and I really think that he is beginning to understand salvation and that God is real and prayer changes things. I love that boy!

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