Sunday, October 10, 2010


I feel like I am entering a new phase of mothering boys. I think this is the phase that I've been the most nervous about. It's about that time when other things at school and play are beginning to influence some of Rylan's perceptions. Right now, it's no big deal. I can handle this, for example:

I was putting Nathan's seat belt on in the car, and I have to reach over Rylan to do it. I was wearing a sleeveless top today.
Rylan: Eww, Mom! You have hair under your armpits!
Me: I know honey, everyone does. Once you get old enough, it starts to grow.
Rylan: No they don't, Mom! Girls don't have hair in their armpits!
Me: Yes they do, honey. Trust me. They just shave it, like Daddy shaves his face.
Rylan: No, Mom. No they do not. Girls do not have hair.
Me: Everyone gets hair under their arms when they get old enough. Just don't worry about it.
Rylan: No they don't, and your armpits stink, too. (After wearing a sleeveless top and running around South Florida all day.... at the end of the day, I'll give it to him, he had me there.)

Like I said, I can handle this conversation, but I know there are many more conversations on the horizon about what girls have/don't have, do/don't do, etc. There's so much info out there for them to glean, and they are, that it will be interesting where our conversations go. 

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